Effective Use of Interactive Whiteboards

Expand your knowledge of the Interactive Whiteboard with this course presented by Susan Burke. Learn activities that engage students whilst best integrating the IWB into your lessons.
  Free course
  • 4.5 Rating

    2,691 reviews

  • Targeted to

    All Educators

  • 2 Hours

    Course Duration
  • Standards

    4.5 & 7.4

About this course

As educators, we know that technology engages students, and student engagement needs to be our top priority. Most classrooms are equipped with an interactive white board and this course will give you lots of fantastic, simple ways to use the IWB without any preparation.

Susan is an experienced teacher with a passion for designing IWB lessons. If you have had little or no training or experience with IWBs, this course is sure to get you excited about incorporating IWBs in your teaching.

You will learn:

  • Expand your knowledge of the Interactive Whiteboard (IWB)
  • Learn amazing activities that are easy to setup and execute
  • See how to best integrate the IWB into your teaching practice
Course Duration: 2 Hours

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers:
 4.5 & 7.4

NESA: This course may be logged as 2 hours of NESA Elective PD. Suggested descriptors: 4.5.2, 7.4.2

💜 Reviews 💜

“Real, useful tips for everyday teachers. I was so looking to learn about Interactive Whiteboards as an older teacher, and this was a perfect introduction. Thanks for all of the great ideas, websites, tips and now I am looking forward to my next class that allows me access to their interactive whiteboard. In Queensland, not many schools do.”
Teacher in QLD
“Easy to navigate and great applicable strategies to apply to the classroom. Getting to also see how others are using IWB’s as a part of their teaching through the comment sections.” 
Teacher in NSW

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Susan Burke

Director, Interactive Lessons


Susan Burke is a primary school teacher and director of Interactive Lessons. Seeing first-hand the potential technology has to engage students, Susan creates a range of lessons and resources for teachers utilising the interactive whiteboard.