Emergency Maths

Each module of the course is set aside to deal with specific scenarios you might encounter and pass on winning strategies and resources whether you have access to classroom technologies, textbooks or even nothing at all!
  • 4.3 Rating

    462 reviews

  • Targeted to

    Relief Teachers

  • 2 Hours

    Course Duration
  • Standards

    2.1 and 3.4

About this course

Ever walked into a maths class and found that no lessons have been left to deliver? Zeb Friedman is here to help!
Each module of the course is set aside to deal with specific scenarios you might encounter and pass on winning strategies and resources whether you have access to classroom technologies, textbooks or even nothing at all!

You will learn:

  • Feel more confident teaching Maths even if you are not a maths specialist as a relief teacher
  • Deliver lessons that use effective differentiation strategies and encourage student ownership of learning in maths
  • Have an array of ideas and resources to implement in your classrooms for varying levels of access to ICT and other resources
Course Duration: 2 Hours

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers:
 2.1 and 3.4

NESA: Emergency Maths may be logged as 2 hours of NESA Elective PD. Suggested descriptors: 2.1.2, 3.4.2

💜 Reviews 💜

“It was so relevant to my teaching area of maths. I have gained so much new knowledge on strategies I can implement that require no preparation. 5 stars!”
- Timothy G
Teacher in QLD
“A wide range of techniques and strategies were presented which were not dependent on being an experienced maths teacher and appear to be engaging and interesting for the students.”
- Bec F
Teacher in NSW

Zebedee Freidman

Expert Educator


Zebedee is an expert educator from the UK with years of experience as a supply teacher. Check out her other course 'Growth Mindsets in the Classroom'.