Reclaim Your Energy

Join Amy Green and take the challenge to reclaim, build and maintain your energy. Follow as Amy unpacks the 4 strategies that will improve the quality of your life as a teacher.
  • 4.5 Rating

    269 reviews

  • Targeted to

    All Educators

  • 2 Hours

    Course Duration
  • Standards

    6.2, 7.2

About this course

Too often, followed behind not having enough time, are teachers saying they don’t have enough energy.
It seems we have enough energy only to complete the daily tasks which get us through a day in the classroom. By the time we have taught multiple high energy lessons, done playground duty, attended a meeting and marked Maths books, how can we be expected to do anything else?
Yet this is where we can find ourselves in an internal battle; do we keep going and push on? Or stop because our energy is almost at empty?
In this challenge we will unpack the 4 strategies which will help to build and maintain energy.
So what are you waiting for?

You will learn:

  • To understand factors contributing to your energy levels and how to manage these to improve your day in and out of the classroom
  • To develop practical and sustainable strategies for managing energy levels throughout the day and week
  • To build practical and sustainable habits to improve energy which you can share with students, colleagues and family
Course Duration: 2 Hours

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers:
  6.2 & 7.2

NESA: Reclaim Your Energy may be logged as 2 hours of NESA Elective PD. Suggested descriptors: 6.2.2, 7.2.2

💜 Reviews 💜

“Fantastic course! It made me realise that I need to work on areas to improve my health and become more mindful of each activity that I participate in.”
- Thomas K
Teacher in QLD
“The videos were great and it helped remind me of why sleep and food is so important for us as well not just our children”
- Angela R
Teacher in NSW

Amy Green

Wellbeing and Culture Expert Schools and Organisations

Published author of Teacher Wellbeing


Author, Amy Green is a leader and expert in improving culture and wellbeing for schools, organisations and individuals. She is a published author, speaker, facilitator and coach with a background in teaching, leadership and positive psychology.