Super 6 Literacy for All KLAs: Years 7-10
In this course you will be shown the building blocks for creating excellent literacy activities using the Super 6 Strategies and how to best deliver them for maximum engagement.

NESA accredited
Completing Super 6 Literacy Strategies for Years 7-10 will contribute 2 hours of NSW
Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery
and Assessment of NSW Curriculum/EYLF addressing Standard Descriptor(s) 2.5.2
from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient
Teacher Accreditation in NSW.
About this course
You will learn:
💜 Reviews 💜
Sarah Korman
Sara Korman is an experienced educator with years of experience in teaching history and English in grades 7-12. She is also highly experienced in teaching students across a whole range of abilities including gifted & talented, ESL and students with learning and behavioural difficulties. She has been involved at a high level with informing and working with the NSW Department of Education on the implementation of the History K-10 curriculum.