Writing a Star Sentence

Help every student become a writing superstar with this course from Andrell Education’s Samantha Taylor. Packed full of activities and strategies for the classroom, you’ll gain the confidence and know-how to teach all students to write star sentences.  
  NESA Accredited
  • Targeted to

    All Educators

  • 1.5 Hours

    Course Duration
  • Standards


  • Star rating


NESA accredited

Completing Writing a Star Sentence will contribute 1.5 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of
Literacy and Numeracy Strategies addressing Standard Descriptor(s) 2.5.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.

About this course

In the latest course from Andrell Education owner, Samantha Taylor, you’ll learn a broad range of techniques to teach and model how to write simple sentences, as well as effective tools to help all students better understand the use of different sentence types and structures. From here, you’ll gain new ways to provide differentiated support for students on different levels to boost their writing skills to learn to enjoy the process.  

You will:

  • Learn how to explicitly teach and model how to write simple sentences and then how to enhance and vary sentences
  • Build a greater repertoire of strategies for guided and independent practise of sentence writing, allowing students to develop their skills, experiment with a variety of sentence structures including simple, compound, complex and compound-complex sentences, supporting students to become more confident writers
  • Learn strategies to help students recognise sentence types that serve a specific purpose in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts designed for a target audience  
  • Understand how to provide adequate scaffolding and to differentiate to support all learners in their sentence writing, ensuring they are building their writing skills and enjoying the writing process 

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Samantha Taylor

Educator & Owner of Andrell Education
Visit Andrell Education 

About the presenter

Samantha Taylor is an experienced educator and owner of Andrell Education. For over 12 years, Sammy has presented both in Australia and internationally on the Big Write and VCOP (vocabulary, connectors, openers, and punctuation) methodologies. Through her work with Andrell Education, Sammy is passionate about raising writing standards in junior school students across Australia.